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Description: Citronella oil is extracted from a resilient grass native to Sri Lanka and Java. It is a very aromatic perennial that grows to 1m in height.

History: Citronella oil was one of the world’s most dominant insect repellents before the introduction of DDT. Recent history shows that the oil is again becoming the product of choice for health-conscious customers.

Strength of aroma: medium

Common uses

Aromatherapy: Citronella oil has a fresh, uplifting scent that can help create a calming and relaxing atmosphere. It's often used in aromatherapy to reduce stress, anxiety, and promote a sense of well-being.

Air freshener: The pleasant and invigorating aroma of citronella oil makes it a popular choice for natural air fresheners. It can help eliminate odours and create a refreshing indoor environment.

Cleaning: Citronella oil's potential antifungal and antibacterial properties make it suitable for use in household cleaning products. It can help in disinfecting surfaces and reducing the growth of harmful microorganisms.

Scented candles and incense: Citronella oil is often used to make scented candles and incense due to its pleasant fragrance. These products can help deter insects while adding a delightful aroma to your living space.

Repelling household pests: Apart from outdoor insects, citronella oil can also help repel common household pests like ants and mice. Placing cotton balls soaked in citronella oil in strategic areas can deter these pests. Using citronella oil in outdoor spaces can help keep mosquitoes and other pests away, making your time spent in the garden or on the lawn more enjoyable.

Mood enhancer: The uplifting scent of citronella oil can have positive effects on your mood and energy levels. Diffusing the oil or using it in a personal inhaler can provide an instant boost.

Safety data: Avoid during pregnancy; skin irritant (dilute before using externally); may trigger epileptic seizures in susceptible individuals.

Important note: The information provided is for educational purposes only. It is not considered complete and is not guaranteed to be accurate.

General safety information: Do not take any oils internally.
Do not apply undiluted essential oils, absolutes, CO2s or other concentrated essences onto the skin.
If you are pregnant, epileptic, have liver damage, have cancer, or have any other medical problem, use oils only under the proper guidance of a qualified aromatherapy practitioner.
Use extreme caution when using oils with children and give children only the gentlest oils at extremely low doses.
It is safest to consult a qualified aromatherapy practitioner before using oils with children.
A skin patch test should be conducted prior to using an oil that you've never used before.

Everyday, super simple uses for essential oils

Essential oils are used to fragrance soap (2%-3%), balms (0.5%), skin creams and butters (0.5%).

All our products are for external use only.

Citronella Pure Therapeutic Essential Oil


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